The Shiny Brights – On Location, August ’09

Was on location in Rymill Park with The Shiny Brights shooting the artwork for their EP “Too Many Chiefs” a little while back.
The idea was loosely based around the concept of there being too many Chiefs and not enough Indians, but how this translated with the boys was: let’s hire a row boat on Rymill Lake, have Wolf wearing a headdress and all get silly. I was given creative scope to work freely within those guidelines. I felt right at home.
Lighting on the water shots was via two speedlites, one off camera to my right, the other off camera across the lake, both naked, triggered by Pocketwizards.
Lighting on the land shots was the same, except for the fisheye shots, which were diffused via a shoot through umbrella.
Andrè Castellucci assisted on the shoot (and loaned the Pocketwizards!)