You Am I @ The Gov, October ’09

With a set list that would give any die-hard You Am I fan a massive stiffy (myself included) You Am I rocked the Gov like it was 1996 all over again.

Tim Rogers introduced early numbers such as “Sound As Ever” & “Forever & Easy” indicating it was high time they were played again. Much to the crowds delight, even the brilliant “Embarrassed” got a running.

Opening proceedings with a rare cover of Regurgitator’s (I Sucked A Lot Of Cock) To Get Where I Am, the sarcasm and wit was clearly set to full swing, more than likely spurred on by a vast quantity of alcoholic beverages no doubt consumed before the show.

Paying homage to the recently departed Magic Dirt bassplayer Dean Turner, they launched into a version of Magic Dirt’s “Ice” back announcing it as for “my little sister, who has had a real fucken shitter of a month”

Gasoline For Two” from the Idiot Box soundtrack took me by surprise – not a track I’ve seen played live before, and “Cat’s & Dogs” also from said soundtrack got a royal applause. And rightly so!

I’ve seen a number of You Am I shows over the years and I can easily say this show is one of, if not, the best I’ve ever seen. Incredible stuff.