The Sweet Decline @ The Ed Castle, October ’10

Before I agree to shoot promo/press for a band I like to see their live show.

I feel this is an important step as it helps me to gain a better understanding of the way the band members interact with each other, how they present themselves, their brand and their band. It also shows who is the most vocal member (not always the vocalist!) and who is the quieter of the group. Later, when you are directing a shoot with musicians you’ve only moments earlier just met this information is invaluable!

The connection you make with the band will ultimately reflect in the shots you take when they are on location or in the studio and without their instruments.

Checking their tracks on Myspace is a great first step, but meeting and seeing them play is an equally important second.

I’ll be working with The Sweet Decline on an upcoming promo shoot, so I went along to catch their set at the Ed Castle… and me being me, I couldn’t just watch the show… I shot it too.