Gallows @ Adelaide Soundwave, February ’10

Arriving at Stage 4 as Gallows were midway through a song I wondered if I had missed the allocated 3 songs and hence my chance to shoot these guys I had heard so much about. I headed into the pit only to confirm my fears, I was told by security this was song 4 and to leave. Arggghhhh!! I did manage a couple of quick fire shota on the way out tho! haha!

But then I noted frontman Frank Carter heading off stage and into the crowd. I watched as he went right behind the crowd and into the dusty field. He then geed up what has to be the biggest circle pit ever, singing from the middle as 300 fans circled him.

Realising that I no longer needed the photo pit to capture this, I ran into the circle pit, joined in the running punters to get the energy flowing, then moved into the center, right close to Frank and started shooting.

With bright midday sunlight, a 16mm lens and a single speedlite off camera aimed at a frontman more psyched up than a hundred angry bulls, I knew there would be the chance to grab some incredible shots.

Here’s what I got.