Funkoars @ Live At The Zoo, April ’09

First time I have seen the Funkoars after meeting them at a BBQ a few weeks ago. Lots of action on stage, lots of movement and some damn fine beats.

This show was also being filmed for a pending DVD release, so I had to keep the roving cameras out of my shots as best I could… These are the best of the shots with no camera crew visible… except for a few!

Backstage before the show we snapped off the first of what was to become something of a tradition when shooting the Funkoars: a silly, on-the-spot press shot.

For this one I had a single speedlite diffused, of-camera via cable to the left. Looking back at the the shot I should have brought the speedlite around closer to the lens to minimise the shadowing behind Trials’ head. Ahh well…