Funkoars @ Clipsal 500, March ’10

Only having a 30 minute set meant the Funkoars had to bang em out tonight, one hit after the other.
The sea of fans were into it, “Fuuuuunkoars” chants were on from the beginning and “mooooore” was called for at the end. But due to tight scheduling, there would be no encores and the Midnight Juggernauts took to the stage under heavy booing which pretty well continued throughout their entire set.
The Hilltop Hoods were the headliners (see their set here), and the fans wanted their hip hop and they wanted their Adelaide hip hop to be precise.
What they clearly didn’t want was a Melbourne synth dance band wedged in between two of the finest hip hop acts on offer.
It was hard to not feel the pain of the Juggernauts, as their set was fine and held up on it’s own, but perhaps they were more suited to a Future Music Festival or the like.
A case of poor booking?