Birds Of Tokyo @ The Thebby, September ’10

I first shot Birds Of Tokyo last year at the Big Day Out (check that set over here) and looking back at those shots now I’m less than impressed with my photography.
Flat lighting was not helping one bit, and the stage being 200m off the ground (ok, so maybe only 5) meant limited shooting angles, but that’s always the problem on the main stages at the BDO isn’t it?
Either way, I went into this show at the Thebby tonight willing to be swayed.
They won another fan.
Front man Ian Kenny can really sing. No, I mean, REALLY.
For me, his voice took these songs to a new level, I found myself watching only him for the rest of the gig after I’d shot the staple three songs.
Unfortunately, for those three songs the lighting was pretty lame, hence my post processing.